On the Town…

I do go out occasionally. There is a bar not to far from here that boasts the 4th most popular band in Maz. The first night I went to see them, they were spot on. From the first cover song on they did a great (or rather, nearly great) job. There are two women singers in the band and this one did a very good rendition of 3 or 4 Janis Joplin tunes but didn’t have much stage presence. The male singers did a poor job. But the music was good to dance to and the occasional bad voice was made up for by the good voices.


This gal, on the other hand, had terrific presence, enchanting moves, and a silky, honey dipped voice with some dry peppers sprinkled in.


Some of the folks enjoying the warm evening air:

Later on, still a very compelling and attractive presence:

One of the many good looking women alone this night, or out with girlfriends:

More lovelies enjoying themselves:

A few days later, I went to one of the concerts here in Maz that celebrate the upcoming carnival. It’s the world’s 3rd largest carnival (when New Orleans has one). This show attracted me because of the appearance of Fernando de la Mora, the Mexican opera singer widely considered to be the heir apparent to Luciano Pavarotti. I do enjoy opera, or at least the greatest hits, and have attended several. So hearing this new tenor was worth the $300 pesos the ticket cost. He sang ‘Nesum Dorma’ right off the bat. The highs were a little tentative but overall he did a skilled workman’s job. Later, after his cords had a chance to warm up, it was easy to hear why de la Mora WILL be Pavarotti’s replacement around the world, he nailed every note. If I had heard about the concert earlier, I’d have been in the first row.

First the stage was set with some ballet:

Then de la Mora came out and sang several peices:

During interludes, we got plenty of fireworks over the stadium:

More singing, you can just make out the gold throne at the back of the stage where the Queen is sitting:

Then Mexico’s best mariache band came out and did 10 lively pieces, I have 2 of their albums:

My seat was near 2nd base on the infield of the Mazatlan baseball stadium. The stage was off beyond the infield…in the near outfield. The stands directly behind were mostly filled and there were 3 large TV screens to watch all the action. The occasion was the Queen of the Carnival was here to be introduced to the populace. With all her ladies-in-waiting. I didn’t get any good pictures of them, none that I took came out. Next year I’ll do better.

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One Response to On the Town…

  1. naomi says:

    pavorati once said that being a tenor is the most difficult of jobs. no one goes to the opera and boos the baritone, however, they have been known to boo the tenor. then he sang some very beautiful carols with his father. luciano came by his voice honestly. his dad had the most clear baritone i’d ever heard. together they were magic!

    Since you’re a fan of Pavorati, you’ll love de la Mora. A powerful tenor voice with the same nuances. Right now one of the best in the world, and in a few years, probably the only tenor on the planet worth listening to. IMO. It would be fun to see him and Pavorati on stage at the same time.

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