Last time, I’d arrived in San Felipe, Baja with the intent of avoiding the swearing in of the dictator wanna be that somehow got the Whitehouse. A convicted rapist, felon, a guy who robbed a children’s cancer donation fund, a 5 times bankrupt casino jackass who wouldn’t know how to run a business if it bit him, a 5 times draft dodger who likes his hero of the VN war to have not been caught, who dissed the Gold Star families, who mocked a differently abled reporter. A white supremacist, misogynistic nihilist bully. Anyway, I wanted to be away from all that and the initial damage he’ll do, “I’ll only be a dictator for one day” said by the guy who had 30,000 verified lies his first time in office.
Apparently, Americans WANT to destroy the democratic republic they’ve built up over 277 years.
So, on to more fun type things. Down here I do not get US TV or Mexican TV for that matter, so I’m not following the daily issues up there. I do know about the major fires in LA and the massive cold front hurting the mid-west and east but that’s about it. I have a good streaming setup so I watch hours of Netflix and Hulu and some of the free channels. Since the Seahawks are out of it this year, no football to look forward too either. I’ve got a pretty good wifi signal and since I’m the only RV here most times, it’s fairly reliable. Does drop out occasionally but that’s not the parks fault, that’s the local system.
But first, I wanted to show you guys the nifty little vacuum I picked up at the Goodwill. I often snack or eat meals at my computer desk and the crumbs end up on the table cover there. I have it right next to my desk plugged into a USB power adapter and when needed, just whip out this tiny vacuum, suck up all the crumbs, and deposit the debris in the nearby trash can. Sooo handy. Cost $3 as I recall. A handy little tool that I just stumbled upon while browsing. Didn’t even know they made tiny vacuums. No more brushing off the table cover into my hand, often dropping it in my lap.