I was beginning to think that I’d never get rid of the truck, an ’87 Ford Ranger STX with X cab. It’s been sitting in the driveway for 4 years. Every once in a while I’d advertise it for sale but never got any takers until yesterday. The tranni is bad and JP took it out, 3 years ago I guess, then we never got it fixed and back into the truck, except in the truck bed. The guy just wanted the engine and I was only asking $445 for the whole truck so he didn’t even quibble about price.

During my garage sale, an old acquaintance (met her at my favorite bar-haven’t seen her in several years) showed up. About 10 minutes after she left I remembered she was a real estate broker. When she came to pick up the stuff she bought, we got to taking and she’s now working at a mortgage company so we are going to work together to get my place sold without to much hassle or without me having to pay a large commission. Yippee!

I was a little worried about that since I’ve never sold a home, even though I have the broker?s license, so I’ve never actually done the paper work. I would have had to hire someone to do it right, most likely.

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