Visiting a Mexican village is always interesting. There’s so much that’s different down here compared to the US. Lax building codes for one thing. Slow customer service for another…”We’ll be back to finish mañana señor” but don’t show up for 2-3 days. But, we always say, “Ahh, Mexican time”. And don’t worry about it.
Here’s the gang hanging out having a brew. Notice everyone is wearing long sleeved shirts. It’s sunny, but the temps have been pretty low for quite a while. Gets electric heater cold at night.
When Sunday rolls around, I take the taxi over to Fatboys to watch the game and have their free with the purchase of two drinks breakfast. Very good huevo and chorizo enchilada with refried beans on the side. Yumm. Even comes with a small bit of shredded lettuce with tomato bits. And I can wait until just before I leave to have my two drinks. Pina Colada. At around 1 pm, just after the Seahawks game. And here’s what the bar looks like at 9:30 AM. I wanted a good seat. They get a big crowd so the staff is back helping in the kitchen.
Across the street is the Hotel that has a very nice bar with lots of TVs where I go to watch games sometimes too.
After the game, the one where the Seahawks won by one point because of a missed 27 yard field goal vs. the Vikings, I decided to walk home. First I head over to the malecon. Check out the nice beach they have here. My destination is past that lighthouse in the distance.
More of the malecon area.
At the northern end of the malecon is this suspension bridge that takes you over a tidal flat that regularly gets washed out by the tide. Especially high tides or wind driven tides.
One of the long abandoned sea going fishing boats.
A derelict tug boat.
And a view back towards downtown. That’s the boat launch ramp below.
Long shot of the tidal flat area.
There was some sea animal splashing there just a minute ago…seems I’ve lost him.
Over there is the peninsula. Looks like an island, but isn’t.
And after I got over to my road, I was walking down the street heading for the RV park and 3 dogs attacked me. One bit my lower leg, the calf, and drew blood without piercing my jeans fabric so I didn’t bother to get a shot. Figured it was a compression and torsion wound.
Later that day, went over and enjoyed the beach a little. Too cool to wade in the water, it’s like 60°F anyway. There were 10, then later 11, fishing boats out there standing by ready to head out to sea for shrimp fishing. They sometimes sat out there for days. There’s also a two masted sailing vessel that hangs out here in the bay all the time. It’s an open secret that it’s a Navy undercover boat that keeps an eye on the fishermen so they don’t illegally catch the wrong fish or something.
Then the tide rolled out. The pelicans decided to have a meeting.
And some strollers. Note the coats today.
And that’s a little bit of color from San Felipe, Mexico. Nice. Except for the dog bite.
More from Mexico next time. Thanks for visiting!