I won’t get as much

I won’t get as much from the sale of the house as I’d hoped but…it did sell fast and that’s important too.

So, I guess I will have to work on the road after the first year of bumming around. We will see. I should know in a matter of months. Meanwhile, I’ve been studying Central America and find that crime is really out of control down there, especially in Mexico and in Belize, two countries I’ll be traveling through to get to Panama. Maybe I’ll give it another year to cool off before I head down there, or I’ll have to find a caravan to travel with (ick). Anyway, this week end I’ll be on my way over to Walla Walla to pick up Maria (a traveling buddy for a couple weeks).

I’m trying to get everything out of the house by Friday @ 6:00pm. Might be a sqeeker.

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