More time with family…

Opps, meant to get this published sooner than this, but things happen.

After spending a week with my sister and BIL, the other members of the family started arriving. Son came over first, then Teri’s son Bruce and his girlfriend along with the father (Teri’s ex), Bob, who all rode over together from Seattle in a rental car. And Dan came with them too.

Absent were my daughter and her boyfriend, than Dan’s son Paul, his wife Jenn and son. None of them could make it over from Seattle and daughter couldn’t make it over from Michigan. Too bad. The trip was also to take in a rock concert. One of those ‘Gentlemen of the Road‘ concerts. Foo fighters, Mumford and Sons, etc. Now my family was all hot to go see the concert and all but I’m more of a classical music kind of guy these days. AND, I twisted my back that Friday so I was hobbled anyway and would not look forward to standing or lying on lumpy ground while the concert rocked around my hobbled self. So I stayed home while they all went to the concert. I had fun without them.

Here’s Teri’s house. Note how nice the yard is.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA And here I am parked right in front.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA And right next door is that house that’s abandoned. The yard’s a mess.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

Since I went to bed in my RV at 10pm, and fell right to sleep, I didn’t even hear them come home from the concert.

Before we went for a nice drive the next morning, we all shared a family breakfast. Bacon, eggs, blueberry waffles with sugar free syrup. Yumm. Good job cooking, Teri and Gary. In this picture is Teri’s son Bruce, ex husband Bob, and Bruce’s GF…who’s name escapes me. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA The syrup pitcher is from our mom’s crockery collection. Must be 50 years old.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA And then we all piled in the cars and went and visited Teri, Gary, and Bruce’s old house. They lived here for years. Thing has asbestos siding and insulation all through it so they really couldn’t ever remodel without it being a huge production and expense.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA And here was mom and dad’s house in Walla Walla after they moved here from College Place so many years ago. The current owners replaced the cutsie 2 foot high picket fence with a ‘keep outta my yard’ fence so we couldn’t see if mom’s gardens were still spectacular.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWe ended up at Pioneer park. Since we’d all (except Dan) spent days here during the years we grew up and lived in Walla Walla, it’s fun visiting. It’s also a beautiful park. Duck pond right there.
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Lot’s of ducks…dependant on the handouts they get here all year round.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA This old oak tree has been here since forever.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Then we headed out into the countryside to travel up the Walla Walla river valley so Bruce could visit the places he played at hundreds of times. Nostalgia. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA And after that, all the Seattle folk piled back into the rental car and headed on back to Seattle. Next family thing coming up is that we’re hoping that Michelle can visit later this year. If she does, than I’ll head on back to Walla2. Unless I’m in Mexico or something.

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One Response to More time with family…

  1. Hafcanadian says:

    One year when we visited friends in Milton Freewater in our old Pace Arrow, they took us to W2 for July 4 th fireworks in the park, which were pretty cool. And the next day we went up the river a ways, where I showed them how to connect with some trout via a fly. The river went from treeless country up into cool pines. Our friends also introduced us to fried cauliflower mushroom too, picked fresh in the local hills… pretty darned good.

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